The texts of the Book of the Dead on stela no. (CG 20520) in the Egyptian Museum (analytical study(

Document Type : Original Article


Master's student at South Valley University, Inspector of antiquities at the ministry of antiquities


The researcher presented a study of the texts of the Book of the 
Dead recorded on Stela No. (CG 20520) in the Egyptian 
Museum, and it became clear from that study that it represents 
chapter (148) of the Book of the Dead, and it became clear from 
this study that stela No. (CG 20520) is the oldest monument 
which the texts of the chapter (148) were recorded from the Book 
of the Dead, as well as no doubt that chapter (148) was one of the 
oldest chapters recorded from the Book of the Dead, The study of 
the texts of the Book of the Dead recorded on papyri, tombs, 
temples and others in general is one of the most important studies 
that are useful in identifying many religious concepts and funeral 
rites, understanding religious and funeral beliefs and rituals, The 
Book of the Dead includes allusions to all funeral rites, so that 
the Book of the Dead was considered an extension of the texts of 
the pyramids and coffins.
