A cultural and linguistic study for two shrouds "Bey Najm Al-Awal and Shroud of Houry"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's researcher - Faculty of Archeology - Luxor University

2 Professor of History and Archeology of Egypt and the Ancient near East - Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University

3 Lecturer of the ancient Egyptian language - Faculty of Archeology - Luxor


The research Paper deals with a cultural and linguistic study of two
linen Shrouds (1-pAi nDm mri imn Which belongs to The Twenty – First 
Dynasty) – and this shroud was published by the researcher after have 
a permission for study and publish from The Egyptian Museum (2- Hri
) Which belongs to The Nineteen Dynasty and preserved in The 
Metropolitan Museum at USA.
Content of article:
First: Archaeological Documentation of Textile Pieces.
Second: general description of Pieces to Clarify the decoration of the 
shroud and translate the texts of each piece to ease the way of how to 
know the identity of person which the shroud belongs to him, and the 
era in which it was made.
