Publication of a funerary stela of (WAH-ib-Ra) GEM 15461 “In the Grand Egyptian Museum”

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Ancient Egyptian Archeology, Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University, Head of Archaeological Registration Department at the Grand Egyptian Museum

2 PhD Researcher in Faculty of Fayoum, Curator at The Grand Egyptian Museum.


This article deals with the publication and study of a funerary stela from the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM 15461). It was found at Aswan. This stela for a person called (WAh-ib-Ra). The surface of the stela recorded a devotional scene of four deities and the bottom part contains texts containing the formula for offering sacrifices, and the name of the owner of the stela.
The arch of the round-topped stela is decorated with a winged sun disk, and a couple of uraei hangs from it, embodying the two gods of Upper and Lower Egypt, WADt and nxbt. The main part of the stela depicts devotional scene. A standing person wearing a long kilt and raising both hands in a position of worship to four standing Gods.
