The Deity Bes in the Bahariya Oasis "An Analytical Study in Role and Importance"

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD researcher at the Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University, and Chief Antiquities Inspector of Bahariya Oasis - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

2 Professor of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities - Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University

3 Lecturer of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities - Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University


 The deity Bes is considered one of the most important and famous deities of the Bahariya Oasis in the Late Period, where Bes skipped the stage of secondary deities in having some amulets or statues or being mentioned through some inscriptions inside the Bahariya Oasis. Rather, large chapels were devoted to the god Bes in particular, and even it seems that Bes was one of the beloved deities, which enjoyed popularity and the sanctity of the inhabitants of Bahariya Oasis, which was not rivaled another deity, and therefore a temple was dedicated to Bes alone without contest.  It was also shown through the study the extent to which the cult of “Bes” flourished during the Greco-Roman era in the Bahariya Oasis, where a temple was dedicated to him alone, and since the Bahariya Oasis was a military point and an important center for vine cultivation, and thus the production of excellent wine made from grapes and dates, and not only that, but it was exported as it was distinguished by its quality among the Egyptian wines of that period. Since the god “Bes” was associated with wine and boozing, also became necessary for the people of the Bahariya Oasis to dedicate a temple, and offer offerings of the finest types of wine offered to Bes in the Bahariya Oasis. The study showed that the temple of the god “Bes” in the village of Al-Qasr was one of the most important centers of worship that was dedicated to Bes alone.
