Where is the Tomb of Nestorius?

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Medieval History - Faculty of Arts - Helwan University


Where is the tomb of Nestorius located? A question that many may not know the answer to: where is the tomb of Nestorius (428-431 AD)? He was the founder of the Nestorian sect. Where did he die? Where this person was buried, whose followers and church members, known as Nestorians, are still spreading around the world?
 The answer to this will become clear by showing that Nestorius’ grave is in Egypt, and the study specifically suggests that his grave is located in the oases. Where he lived his exile and where he died and was buried. It should be noted that there are some problems in determining the location of the grave, where there are many beliefs that stated that he died in the city of Panopolis near Akhmim in Upper Egypt. In addition to another belief that states that he died at Kharga Oasis, it should be noted that there were later constructions in the oasis that belonged to Nestorius and some of his followers, such as the hill known as hill of Nestorius. So the other question comes: Where is Nestorius Hill? Is it located in Panopolis or Kharga Oasis? The study will strive to answer all these questions related to the grave of Nestorius, the founder of the Nestorian doctrine.
