The Semantic Indicator pw and the Relationship to Methods and Contexts of Restriction in Ancient Egyptian Language "Analytical and Comparative Study from the Perspective of Semantic Linguistic Approaches"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum city, Egypt.

2 Professor and Head of the Department of Egyptology - Faculty of Archaeology - Fayoum University, Egypt.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt.


The study aims to uncover the semantic indicator pw and its relationship to methods and how it is used in linguistic contexts indicating restriction in the ancient Egyptian language. The semantic indicator pw and the relationship to methods and contexts of restriction in ancient Egyptian Language seems worthy of note, research, study, and investigation to reveal an important characteristic of the properties and implications of the methods used in the linguistic methods of restriction or shortening and exception. This is within the framework of revealing the nature, concept and connotations of the restriction in the ancient Egyptian language in terms of topic, content and linguistic contexts from the perspective of the sources of the ancient Egyptian language. The use of the semantic indicator pw is considered one of the restriction or shortening methods that benefit the restriction through the context of the sentence. The semantic indicator known as the disjunctive pronoun means the pronoun that falls between the subject and the predicate, provided that both are defined. It is called a disjunctive pronoun because it clarifies a matter when there is doubt about it, raising the thumb and removing confusion. Its indication is that the noun after it is a predicate of what came before it, and is not a substitute, an adjective, or any other function of followings. Thus, one of its properties is that it is limited or specific to what is known as shortness in rhetoric and rhetorical methods.  The rhetoricians differed as to whether it was one of the methods of separation, but it was believed that it was one of the less-known types of restriction, which was limited to fourteen methods that were considered to be the pillars of the restriction styles.
