Evolution of the Name of El-Barnougi Hill Through the Ages

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in the Department of Egyptology - Faculty of Archaeology - Fayoum University, Egypt.

2 Ph.D. and Archaeologist in Beheira Antiquities Area - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities - Egypt.


The present paper aims to study and uncover the development of the name(s) of El-Barnougi archaeological site 'hill' through the ancient ages, starting from ancient Egypt until the present time, due to its importance in ancient Egyptian History, where this archaeological site played an important role during the Pharaonic eras. El-Barnougi archaeological hill 'site' was mentioned in ancient Egyptian sources as 'mr-nTrt', and during the Greco-Roman periods the site was mentioned as 'OIENNITΡIAIΣ', which means the Mountain of 'Nitria'. The site name in the contemporary history is linked with its name through the Coptic period, as it was known as 'Barnog Mountain' 'ΠЄΡNΟϒϪ', and currently this archaeological site is known as 'El-Barnougi Mountain'. The present article focuses on clarifying the importance of this archaeological site 'hill', its location, in addition to the topography of El-Barnougi archaeological hill, and the different names of the site through the historical ages.
