Zeus-Amun from the Perspective of the Concept of Divine Revelation and Manifestations of Political and Religious Propaganda in the Siwa Oasis "Applied Study on A group of Unpublished Greco- Roman Coins

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Researcher in the Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, and Curator - Egypt's Capitals Museum

2 Professor of Egyptology and Head of the Department of Egyptology - Faculty of Archaeology - Fayoum University

3 Professor of Greco-Roman Archaeology - Faculty of Arts -Alexandria University


Siwa Oasis is located in the Western desert of Egypt, south west of Matrouh Governorate, there are remains of some temples have preserved, and the most important one is the temple of the divine revelation of Amun. The revelation of Amun has been claimed since the beginning of 26th Dynasty; this temple of Amun revelation has become famous in ancient World and was visited by many Kings from many countries such as Alexander the Great, where it was the most important visit of Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. and there are also visits by Greek heroes such as the legendary hero Hercules so as to consult the revelation of Amun in their affairs. There was a merger between the Egyptian god Amun and the Greek god Zeus, this merger was represented by the horns of the ram, where the ram was one of the sacred Organisms and holy manifestations of Amun and became one of the sacred Organisms holy manifestations of Zeus too. This merger has been depicted on many artifacts, including Ptolemaic and Alexandrian Roman coins. The research paper seeks to study and publish some unpublished Greek and Roman coins that express indicative manifestations of the merger between the ancient Egyptian deity Amun and the Greco-Roman deity Zeus into one entity known as Amun - Zeus.


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