The Heritage and Natural Components of the Egyptian Oases "Applied Study on the Siwa Oasis as A Model"

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of tourism and antiquities


Siwa Oasis is located in the Western Desert of Egypt, specifically southwest of Matrouh Governorate, where Siwa oasis, as one of the most prominent Egyptian oases, possesses many natural and heritage components, and attention is directed to the concepts of sustainable development and mechanisms for rehabilitating archaeological and heritage sites, as well as tourism development and its importance, which is based on studying the area to be rehabilitated archaeologically and heritageally and developing it touristically through a study that usually includes all aspects that depend on Tourism planning, which is characterized by integrated and interconnected levels. It should be noted that through the integration of all these factors, what can be called an archaeological or heritage area qualified for tourism is created, and this is represented by, for example - but not limited to - the Siwa Oasis, which has diverse historical, archaeological and heritage components, in addition to the tourist components that are represented in several types of tourism such as religious, cultural, historical and therapeutic tourism. The land of Egypt has witnessed and is still witnessing many secrets, which are evident from exploring the ancient Egyptian heritage and highlighting the revival of the components of intangible heritage under the umbrella of health tourism and tourism with special interests and trends in the Siwa Oasis region, which is located in the Egyptian Western Desert, and which has what qualifies it to be at the forefront of the ranks of Egyptian nature reserves. It should be noted that the study is based on a descriptive methodology and a regional objective approach that specializes in studying an archaeological area and a heritage area from a tourism perspective within the framework of a specific geographical region.


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