REMARKS ON STAR TERMINOLOGY IN THE PYRAMID TEXTS "Analytical Study in the Linguistic and Orthographic Structure of the Star Terms"

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Researcher in the Department of Tourism Guidance- Faculty of Tourism & Hotels- Fayoum University- Egypt.


The theme of this research aims to investigate and study the terminology of stars in the ancient Egyptian Language through an analytical study of the linguistic and orthographic structure of the star terms in the Old Egyptian language stage, this will be applied to the Pyramid Texts. The ancient Egyptian language was the tool that demonstrated all the development that the ancient Egyptians had achieved in religious beliefs and cultural concepts. This was evident through the linguistic terms used in religious and funerary texts to express the other world and monitor cosmic phenomena. The ancient Egyptian writer exploited his linguistic superiority in recording his observations of the stars and classifying them using the linguistic meaning accompanied by astronomical connotations, phonetic complements, and determinatives to clarify the precise meaning. It should be noted that the researchers have refilled many research papers on the Pyramid Texts; however, they have not investigated the concept and symbolism of stars in the Pyramid texts in details; so this study aims to investigate the meaning, definition, significance, concept and symbolism of stars in the Pyramid texts and seeks to investigate, discuss, survey and analyze the concept and symbolism of stars in the Pyramid Texts; this will be through an analytical study of all the concepts and symbolic meanings of stars applied to the Pyramid Texts, which are considered the basis for religious beliefs and astronomical concepts in the Old Kingdom and in the content and contexts of the Old stage of the Ancient Egyptian language.


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